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Our Network

Our Network

For a list of participating providers and clinics see SFHP’s Provider Directory. Additional services such as MRI, Dialysis, Durable Medical Equipment, Orthotics/Prosthetics, Home Care Supplies, and Family Planning are available to San Francisco Health Plan members through our network of contracted ancillary providers. For more information concerning these services, please consult the Evidence of Coverage for the line of business in question and visit SFHP’s Provider Directory.

If you have any questions about the San Francisco Health Plan Provider Network, please email Provider Relations or call 1(415) 547-7818 ext 7084.

This is a list of participating infusion sites for COVID-19 therapies:

San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium
170 Capp Street, Suite C
San Francisco, CA 94110
1(415) 355-2222

North East Medical Service
Clement Pharmacy
1019 Clement Street
San Francisco, 94118
1(415) 352-5182

If members are having trouble accessing the in-network infusion sites listed above, click here to see both in- and out-of-network providers who are offering COVID-19 therapeutic services.


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