What Asthma Medications Can Help Stop an Asthma Attack?

Asthma is a condition that affects the airways into your lungs. Asthma can make you cough a lot and make it hard for you to breathe. While asthma can’t be cured, you can work with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) to control your asthma.

What Causes Asthma?

It is hard to find one main cause of asthma. According to the CDC, family history, lifestyle, and certain environments can cause an asthma attack.

  • If someone in your family has asthma, you are more likely to have it also.
  • Mold and dust mites may also be a cause.
  • Smoking is also linked to developing asthma.
  • Air pollution and lung infection may also lead to asthma.

Learn more about what can trigger your asthma with a Take Charge of Your Asthma health education fact sheet.

Asthma Medications:

The main way to control asthma and prevent flare-ups. There are two kinds of medicines you can take to treat asthma.

Controller (long-term) medicine:

This type of medicine provides a way to control asthma and prevent flare-ups. It is taken each day or twice a day even when you don’t have symptoms. Talk to your PCP to see if you need controller medicine for your asthma.

Rescue medicine:

This type of medicine is for flare-ups or to use during the time when you have an asthma attack. It provides quick, temporary relief and may work for 4-12 hours. It can be used before exercise. Rescue medicine is not meant to be taken more than two times per week. Talk with your PCP if you are using it more than usual.

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Call the Nurse Advice Line at 1(877) 977-3397 or talk to a provider 24/7 at sfhp.org/teladoc.