1(415) 547-7800 Contact Us

Benefits and Covered Services

Behavioral Health Services

San Francisco Behavioral Health Services (SFBHS) can offer you support such as:

  • Mental health counseling
  • A substance use counselor
  • Info on your benefits
  • Info on providers in your network
  • Info on health insurance claims

To learn more, call 1(415) 255-3737 or 1(888) 246-3333 toll-free or 1(888) 484-7200 TTY.

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

If you are having a mental health crisis you can call 988 to talk with a trained counselor at a local crisis center. They can offer you support for what you are going through. SFHP will cover the cost for care given by a crisis help center or a mobile crisis unit. You can get mental health care from any crisis help center or mobile unit even if they are not in SFHP’s network of providers. You can get this care without having to get approval from SFHP.


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