Early testing leads to early intervention and solutions

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that every child has developmental testing at 9 months, 18 months, and 30 months of age. Certain checks for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are done at 18 months and 24 months of age.

During your well-child visits, the doctor will watch for early signs of developmental problems. These can affect how a child can talk, move, focus, and engage with others. All young kids need developmental screenings so that you, their doctors, and their teachers know if your child needs extra support. If it is needed, the extra support will help your child be as healthy as they can be.

Any child who has signs of developmental delays should be checked.

These signs include:

  • Unable to babble, point, or make other gestures by 12 months.
  • Unable to say single words by the age of 16 months.
  • Unable to say a two-word phrase by 24 months of age.
  • Repeating phrases (called echolalia).
  • Not walking by 18 months.
  • The loss of language or social skills at any age.

Kids who have a sibling with ASD need to be checked more often. At-risk kids should be checked for language delays, poor social skills, and other problems that could be a sign of ASD. Some kids may need to see a developmental pediatrician after the screening is done.

Any child who develops problems with socialization, learning, or behavior should be checked. Learn more about developmental milestones with CDC’s free checklist and Milestone Tracker app.

Get $50 for Your Child’s First Developmental Screening

All kids under 36 months of age should get developmental screenings. You can get a $50 gift card after you bring your child to their first developmental checkup. You will automatically get a $50 gift card in the mail from SFHP! You do not have to fill out any forms to get the gift card.

Learn more at SFHP Health Rewards.

The gift card will be mailed to you in 8 weeks. If you have yet to get your gift card, please call Customer Service at 1(415) 547-7800 or 1(800) 288-5555 (toll-free) or 1(415) 547-7830 (TTY). Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm.