Your renewal letter is coming. Don’t miss it!
It’s almost time to renew your Medi-Cal coverage. You will get a letter in the mail that tells you if your Medi-Cal was renewed automatically by the county or if your county needs more information. If you receive a renewal packet or a notice asking for more information, you may submit the information by mail, phone, in person, or online.
If your contact information changed, please update your information today by contacting the San Francisco Medi-Cal Office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free). You can also update your information on the Benefits Cal portal. Visit benefitscal.com for more information about how to access your online account. This may help you keep your Medi-Cal coverage.

Change in Circumstance
Please continue to report any changes in your household to your local San Francisco office. This includes changes to your income, disability status, phone number, or mailing address. You should also report if someone in your household becomes pregnant, if someone moves in, or anything else that may affect your Medi-Cal eligibility.

Reporting Contact Information
It is important for San Francisco county to have your current contact information. Please report any changes in your contact information so you don’t miss important information about your Medi-Cal coverage. Please report all updated contact information, such as your phone number, email address, or home address, to your local county office online or by phone, email, fax, or in person. You can find a listing of county offices at dhcs.ca.gov/COL. You can also update your contact information online at benefitscal.com.

Requests for Information
If you or someone in your household receives a letter from the county asking for information about your Medi-Cal coverage, please provide it. This will help the county ensure that your Medi-Cal coverage remains active.
If you have any questions, or need help with accessing your Medi-Cal coverage, or if your Medi-Cal was discontinued, please contact your local county office.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact the San Francisco Medi-Cal Office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free).
Contact the San Francisco Medi-Cal Office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free).
If you have Medi-Cal, your local county office will try to renew your Medi-Cal. They will use the information they have. The local county office will only ask you for more information if they need it to renew your Medi-Cal. If you receive a renewal packet or a letter asking for more information, you may submit the information by mail, phone, in person, or online.
If your contact information or household circumstances have changed, please update your information today by contacting your local county office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free). You can also update your contact information online at benefitscal.com.
Yes. Updates can be made by contacting your local county office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free). You can also update your contact information online at benefitscal.com.
Yes, you are required to report any changes in your household, such as income, if someone becomes pregnant, a new household member, and any changes to your address to your local county office. Updates can be made by contacting your local county office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free). You can also update your contact information online at benefitscal.com.
Yes, it is important that Medi-Cal beneficiaries respond to county requests for updated information, including renewal packets. This will make sure the county has the most current information it needs to renew your Medi-Cal coverage. It will also help the county see if you qualify for no-cost or lower cost coverage.
If you’re sent a renewal form, submit your information by mail, phone, in-person, or online, so you don’t lose your coverage. Create or check your online account at benefitscal.com to sign up to get text or email alerts about your case. You may submit renewals or requested information online.
The local county office will only ask you for more information if they need it to renew your Medi-Cal. If you receive a renewal packet or a letter asking for more information, you may submit the information by mail, phone, in person, or online.
Updates can be made by contacting your local county office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free). Visit benefitscal.com for more information on how to create or access your online account.
The letter from your county should arrive around the same time as when you have received similar letters in past years. For example, if your Medi-Cal renewal was due in April in past years, you should watch for a letter from your county in the 2 months before April.
If you no longer qualify for Medi-Cal, you may be able to get health coverage through Covered California. Losing Medi-Cal allows you to enroll in a Covered California plan outside of the open enrollment period. The local county office will send you information about how to sign up.
We can update your address for your managed care plan. It’s important that we share this information with the county so you can continue receiving important notices about your Medi-Cal. If you do not want us to share your new address with your local county office, you will need to contact them directly and provide your updated information. Contact the San Francisco Medi-Cal Office at 1(855) 355-5757 (toll-free).