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Benefits and Covered Services

Pharmacy Services

When you need medicine, your primary care provider* (PCP) can order it for you. To get medicine:

  • Take your PCP’s prescription to a pharmacy
  • Show your SFHP Member ID Card and your Medi-Cal ID Card.

You do not have to pay for medications covered by Medi-Cal Rx. To check if your medicine is covered, please visit Medi-Cal Rx or call 1(800) 977-2273 toll-free.
*Your primary care provider (PCP) is the doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner in charge of your health care.

Pain Management

SFHP encourages providers to offer pain treatment that doesn’t always involve medications. There are many ways to treat your pain that are just as helpful, such as massage, acupuncture, and heat pads. Ask your PCP about what may be the best option for you.

Find a wellness class online or near you at SFHP Health and Wellness. There are also many community resources for pain management you can get for free or at a low cost.


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