
Quality Improvement Committee

Our Quality Improvement (QI) Committee is a standing committee of the San Francisco Health Authority Governing Board. It is responsible for reviewing and approving the annual QI Work Plan and Evaluation, and for oversight of all our quality improvement activities. It is the main forum for member and provider participation in assuring the quality and clinical oversight of our health care delivery system.

Quality Improvement Plan and Evaluation

The QI Committee approves our utilization and case management policies, clinical studies, and the activities of all entities delegated for utilization management services.

The Quality Improvement Committee of the San Francisco Health Plan meets every two months from 7:30am to 8:30am. Meetings are held at 50 Beale St., 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. Agenda and printed meeting materials are available for inspection at the same location in addition to the San Francisco Health Plan website.

Any documents distributed to the majority of the Committee Members regarding any agenda item for an open session, after the agenda has been posted, will be available for public inspection during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.

We encourage you to use the SFHP website to access Quality Improvement Committee meeting materials. Members of the public may request to be mailed a copy of the agenda and board materials, which is subject to a fee that equals the cost of mailing and preparation. If you wish to have the Quality Improvement Committee agenda and/or materials mailed to you, please contact Quality Improvement or call 1(415) 615-5696.

Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who may require any accommodations (alternative formats – i.e., large print, audio, translation of meeting materials, interpretation, etc.) to participate in this meeting and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, and meeting packet may contact Quality Improvement or call 1(415) 615-5696.

Notification at least one week before the meeting will enable us to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meetings and to the related materials.

Quality Improvement Committee Members:
  • Kathleen Chung, MD, Medical Director, Value Based Care, San Francisco Health Network
  • Irene Conway, SFHP Member Advisory Committee
  • Luke Day, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
  • Edward Evans, SFHP Member Advisory Committee
  • Blake Gregory, MD, Primary Care Director of Population Health and Quality; Medical Director, Complex Care Program, San Francisco Health Network
  • Jackie Lam, MD, Medical Director/QI/QA Director, North East Medical Center
  • Amy Lu, MD, MPH, Chief Quality Officer, UCSF Health
  • Alecia Martin, MPH, Director of Quality Management, Behavioral Health Services, San Francisco Department of Public Health
  • David Ofman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium
  • Jaime Ruiz, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Mission Neighborhood Health Center
  • Kenneth Tai, MD, Chief Health Officer, North East Medical Center
  • Ana Valdez, MD, Chief Healthcare Officer, HealthRight 360
  • Idell Wilson, SFHP Member Advisory Committee
  • Albert Yu, MD, MBA, Chief Health Information Officer, San Francisco Department of Public Health

Activity Summaries
Q2 2024 »


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